You Shouldn't Love Me | Teen Ink

You Shouldn't Love Me

December 29, 2023
By escape-artist BRONZE, Draper, Utah
escape-artist BRONZE, Draper, Utah
4 articles 1 photo 1 comment

You shouldn’t love me

I don’t look like someone from a magazine

Or smell like drops of rose

My face is only gray

The color of the low

You shouldn’t love me

I cannot look 

And see the sun

Or stay near to those I love

I like to wander far away

To see the stars above so near

Don’t watch me when I burn with fear

You shouldn’t love me

I wonder,

How long will it take

Before you start to see me

The way that I see myself?

You’d turn a shadow then

Always close

But ever far

You shouldn’t love me

I don’t burn the way you do

Instead, I am made of rain

Wistful rivers

And weeping torrents

Will I put you out?

Will you burn me?

You shouldn’t love me

I am a mirror

Silent and predictable

Even as a shattered mess

I still reflect

What has yet to be broken

You shouldn’t love me

But you love me anyway

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