I Did It | Teen Ink

I Did It

December 19, 2023
By Cylu728 PLATINUM, Miami, Florida
Cylu728 PLATINUM, Miami, Florida
25 articles 1 photo 6 comments

O, the sweet alluringness 

of a lie so good

you can get away with it for years.

Not a soul ever finding out.

Not a person to sit there and pout.

O, the amazing sensation 

of getting away 

with something so big,

not even your parents know of it.

Not even the tiniest bit.

O, the wonderful feeling

of being so clever 

not even Sherlock and 

his lackies could ever pin something on you.

That, for sure, is true.

But alas, 

you’ve come to your wits end.

A guilty conscience takes over, so 

you write one final piece.

A piece to end them all.

Your confession.

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