Nostalgia | Teen Ink


December 12, 2023
By gia0623 BRONZE, Miami, Florida
gia0623 BRONZE, Miami, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear 7 year old self: 

Sometimes I sit and stare blankly at something only my eyes can see,

Sometimes I like to lose myself in nostalgia, in the old me,

Sometimes I wonder if you would like who I am, 

A girl double in age but with the same core,

Did you think that I would be doing much more?

Sometimes I try to remember all the things I swore I would never do, the foods I swore I would never eat, the people I would never be friends with and check if it's still true,

Am I so different I can no longer identify as you?

People asking if I feel like myself gains a new meaning,

With your truth am I intervening?

Did I lose my shine and luster?

Am I no longer unique? 

Am I becoming more myself or just someone else week by week?

The remembrances don’t come consistently, 

They’re not a flowing river but rather a choppy sea, 

Sometimes a certain smell will remind me of you, 

But as less and less memories come,

I fear that they are becoming too new,

That doesn’t mean they aren’t nice,

just painted a different hue 

What was was purple is now red,

My feet hanging out the once long bed, 

So when I go to sleep tonight, 

It will be you that I am holding tight, 

When I whisper to you in my dreams,

They’ll call me crazy, 

But you in my mind I will keep, 

I miss you I say will a smile of my face, 

But your just a vision in a faraway place, 

I'll never forget you although your long gone, 

I'll think of you with every dawn, 

I'll remember you soon, my dear friend, 

Until then, WE have a life to attend!

The author's comments:

This piece is about the bittersweet feelings that can accompany growing up. It is very naturally and easy to wonder how different you have become, and if your younger self would like who you are. This poem tries to describe those instances!

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