To Be Determined... | Teen Ink

To Be Determined...

December 7, 2023
By Worker_bee7756 DIAMOND, Toledo, Ohio
Worker_bee7756 DIAMOND, Toledo, Ohio
53 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I know I'm forgetful but I still feel things and I try to make sure others don't feel those things" -Ghostbur

With silent eyes,

And beckoning cries,

And apathy to see underneath,

Began a climbing grief,

Of what he once used to be,

Closed the doors,

Don’t let them see,

Open the drawers,

Find the mask to be hidden,

And they won't yell ‘good riddance’,

With a sword in hand,

He battles like a dance,

Shooting like a sparrow,

With the precision of the arrow,

A time in the nights,

When they learn of the fights,

They look at you,

And find the room,

For his fate is to be determined.

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