Leader | Teen Ink


December 7, 2023
By KizzyYuuya BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
KizzyYuuya BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 4 comments

How do you justify yourself when put on trial

This decision was never outside of your control

Lacking sympathy, no care for your fellow human

you’re feeling nothing close to remorse

Indiscriminately cutting down life

Watching the End of civilization

You don’t take accountability,

Positioning blame like it's

The victim’s fault

For living,

Being born

Human lives exist as numbers in your head

Statistics and data made out of murder and destruction

Are you really safe behind blast-proof doors, or will the guilt ever catch up to you

How far away can you travel from your own failures and crimes against humanity

The author's comments:

Free Palestine

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