The Color Mystery | Teen Ink

The Color Mystery

December 4, 2023
By puppydawgs GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
puppydawgs GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm all different types of colors.

One day I’m Pearl Pink,

    soft and gentle, lighting up the room with every simple simile I let the world see

Maybe the next day I'll be Window Grey. 

    Keeping to myself, the only thing that keeps me company is my own draining thoughts.

Sometimes I'm Raspberry Red,

   full of energy and confidence, leaving all my fears in the background and conquering the day. 

But what if I'm Jet Black. 

   A color that looks like nothing, but is so much more than what you can see with the naked eye. 

I'm not a different color every day,

   I’m the same color that lets certain hues, shades, and values shine.

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