Newborn | Teen Ink


November 28, 2023
By Ella_Li SILVER, Portland, Oregon
Ella_Li SILVER, Portland, Oregon
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The piercing cry has broken the deadlock.

Like the outbreak of a civil movement,

He comes in chaos, unsightly.

Scarlet red clots and creamy white pervade

The flaky skin with swollen bumps

As guns fire and people fall.

Soaked mother groans

with her last strength on the battlefield.

What is it they attain?

The umbilical cord is cut off.

Unshaken power has stood up for the

People: a new life has come.

The author's comments:

I was inspired by the contrast between the happiness and hope a newborn baby brings to a family and the pain the mother has to suffer in order for that to happen. A lot of things in life have a similar pattern---violent protesting is one of them.

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