In a Moment's Time | Teen Ink

In a Moment's Time

November 11, 2023
By curveres SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
curveres SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I took one moment 

to sit back and remember 

pieces of trauma i could only ever begin to dismember 

that i once tried to make sense of 

i no longer was defeated by them


I took one moment 

to sit back and try 

to target the now lost feeling i found 

that i resided in when i'd say i was down 

to find that i did not feel a single tear in my round eyes 

when i should've 


i took one moment 

to realize the pain i buried myself in 

was no longer a black stone wall in my piece of mind 

blocking all of whats goof from my longing eyes 


i took one moment 

and now i know 

i escaped that fall, despite my design 

i see now that my actions resent who i used to be 

i see that the stone walls removal was the missing piece 


Just one moment 

and that was when i saw 

every night id spent dragging my hand along the bare wall 

attempting to explain something i could not explain 

i'd made peace


The one moment 

i could see 

that my lifelong band aid 

healed the inside of my wounds 

so they were no longer so deep 

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