Worst enemy but greatest ally | Teen Ink

Worst enemy but greatest ally

November 3, 2023
By kenzie4567 BRONZE, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
kenzie4567 BRONZE, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It demonstrates unconditional,  
Undying love.  
To continue to worry  
And care about someone 
Who is not in your life anymore.  
To ache over replaying memories, 
Every memory 
It remembers how  
You play with your necklace 
When you are stressed.  
That naps are your get away, 
Even though it does not shut down. 
It designs dreams for your head. 
It creates a safe place for when things 
Are not so good. 
To protect you and  
block out traumas. 
To heal your hardships 
That you do not want to think about, 
Or feel. 
To crave and desire love and affection. 
To need companionship, 
Instead of money.  
But it allows you to overthink.  
To torture you with “what ifs,” 
And the absence of 
A loved one. 
Forget people and experiences 
That means the most to you. 
To cause trust issues and 
Ruin future possibilities 
Because of past traumas. 
To despise people because it knows  
What they did.  
To express emotions 
When something hurts you 
Or makes you extremely happy. 
To send signals and control 
Tears and facial expressions. 
To tell your body to 
Furrow your brows  
When you are angry and upset. 
To fight for 10 minutes  
After your death, refusing 
To go. 
To fight for you,  
Despite that your body 
Gave up. 
To love you even after  
Your last breath. 

The author's comments:

This piece is written about a body part, the mind, or the brain.

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