May-Be-Me | Teen Ink


October 15, 2023
By SunnySkies GOLD, Cleveland, Tennessee
SunnySkies GOLD, Cleveland, Tennessee
19 articles 4 photos 20 comments

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Cheer up my brother live in the sunshine, we'll understand it, all by and by.

Maybe you're the only one who hears my voice. 

Maybe you're the only one who sees me smile.

Maybe you're the only one who knows how I feel, when they don't understand my words.

Maybe you're the only one who's real. 

Maybe no one else can see, you're the only one who knows what's best for me.

Maybe no one else matters.

Maybe I'm in denial.

Maybe I just don't get it.

Maybe I don't like what they like.

Maybe I laugh at my own jokes. 

Maybe being alone is better.

Maybe I should stay silent. 

And as I think these things, you whisper in my ear. 


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