prodigy child | Teen Ink

prodigy child

October 13, 2023
By JazlynBlanco SILVER, Wilmington, California
JazlynBlanco SILVER, Wilmington, California
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Child prodigy

This prophecy is meant to see 

Who you are and who you will be

All you have to do is close your eyes to see

But nothing here comes for free

To continue on just repeat after me

“Prophecy prophecy let me see

Who I will be”

A child of prodigy is who you will be

But not the only one to be 

You will control the night 

And another the day

You shift tongues and minds

You see the life of others or change their life's design

Your orders will be heard 

And your voice will be a double ended blade

That cuts through lies and pain

But no matter what you do you can’t change this rule

You will never be allowed to love even if you preval 

Because your past will cause you to fail

So become the best at 40 things

Be changeable be a disguise 

Forget your heart and remember your mind 

Those that don’t want you let them to die

And restart your live

Be nothing more than a beautiful lie with a painful truth

To those who meet you

Build the things you never had 

Fight for what is right even if it’s sad 

And change yourself for someone they wish they had

And remove yourself from the person you were

The author's comments:

I am  junior in high school. I enjoy writing about my personal life and other event that change the way I view the world.

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