Where I'm from. | Teen Ink

Where I'm from.

October 13, 2023
By Worker_bee7756 DIAMOND, Toledo, Ohio
Worker_bee7756 DIAMOND, Toledo, Ohio
53 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I know I'm forgetful but I still feel things and I try to make sure others don't feel those things" -Ghostbur

I am from the winter and snow,

From the cold,

From the frosted windows,

From the heating of the hot house,

I am from the music that I make,

The different notes of my violin,

The songs that I sing,

The music I love to make,

I am from the school,

From the textbooks,

From the classwork,

From the homework,

I am from the rain,

From running through mud,

Running between the raindrops,

Playing dirty and getting dirtier,

I am from the library,

From the books about fiction,

From the quiet,

From the feeling of belonging,

I am from the world.

The author's comments:

I am from the world and all the things I do. My name Is Bee, I love music and art as well as poetry. 

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