The Aisle Not Taken | Teen Ink

The Aisle Not Taken

October 6, 2023
By GavinKoo BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
GavinKoo BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Aisle Not Taken


Two aisles lay in a grocery store,

And sorry I could not visit both.

The closing time hurt me to the core.

As I look down one aisle, I look at the door

The pressure hastened my hunger’s growth.

Looking down the second aisle,

I see nothing but similarities.

Only some more snacks, in a pile.

Yet, what I needed wasn’t even within a mile,

Making the first’s items the same as these.

With both aisles looking the same,

The choice was in my hands.

Not going to both was truly a shame,

It should have been tomorrow that I came.

I chose anyway, but I did not see the brands.

Tomorrow I will be feeling regret,

As I think about the things I lost.

In a grocery store, two aisles are set,

And I chose the one that seemed less a threat,

And now I see the tremendous cost.

The author's comments:

This was a poem I wrote in 8th grade. It was written in the style of Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken". It attempts to communicate that it is important to be decisive, and make choices.

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