Last Names | Teen Ink

Last Names

August 8, 2023
By madi07 GOLD, Newark, Delaware
madi07 GOLD, Newark, Delaware
19 articles 11 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"In the end, we'll all become stories." - Margaret Atwood

Long nights, I spend dreaming of a river

Winding between wooded plains and forgotten prairies

Softly breaking to caress sun-kissed grass

Walls which shelter the aspiring ants

I dream of the tulip fields claimed by the sun

Serving as paint on the planet’s canvas

A landscape soon to be perpetual

In the memories of another

I dream of the places

Only my last name has touched

The ground only to be walked upon

By the feet of my ancestors

Digging their toes into mother nature’s soil

Forever enamored to restful lands

I dream to be home

The place native to my body and flesh

Where my last name grew and flourished

With spirit only legend tells about. 

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