I don't like how it feels | Teen Ink

I don't like how it feels

July 18, 2023
By Goflyhigh PLATINUM, Shenzhen, Other
Goflyhigh PLATINUM, Shenzhen, Other
31 articles 6 photos 0 comments

I don’t like how it feels.
You said this is hard,
Is painful.
I don’t like how it feels.
I can tell that every inch of my skin is being torn apart.
I don’t like how it feels. 

I walk to the port;
It says looking at the sea makes you feel better.
It used to be.
I hope the wind can blow away my sorrow;
But the sorrow just like glue, clinging to my mind.
I don’t like how it feels.

I walk to the restaurant;
Seeing other people makes me feel better.
A bird lands on the cobbled road.
My eyes look at it;
My heart looks at elsewhere.

Like it is said in Story of An Hour, “Free, free, free……Free! Body and soul free!”
That’s what I want.

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