Recipes for an | Teen Ink

Recipes for an

June 21, 2023
By Adrika_15 GOLD, Midnapur West, Other
Adrika_15 GOLD, Midnapur West, Other
11 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
Butterflies are strange creatures.
They make you see how wonderful spring is with colorful flowers, but never let you see the thorns that can hurt their wings.

 In my dreams, I see patriarchy


wearing a saree,


braiding its daughter's hair


with a red ribbon


and teaching her not to


get pregnant with red fever-


"one day, when you'll sneeze,


red will sprinkle in


your mother's white saree


and a part of your heart


will crave for pixie dust."



During tea time,


it teaches her daughter,


how to use a mesh


to strain pieces of freedom


and serving the guests


with a cup full of fake smiles.


At dinner, the daughter learns


how to refrigerate the leftover love,


and use it again tomorrow,


mixing some more fake smiles-


so that the stale aftertaste subdues.


 The people I know devour


eating womanhood


like shredded cheese


sandwiching them between


two pieces of loaves, loathing to love.


The people I know-


knows nothing of the sky blending


with thousand 'manly' errors


and precipitating the 'womanly' errors,


like the tears of a woman in labour pain.


In between my grief becomes the product


of pan-fried dreams of a mother


and lazily sautéed patriarchy.




Later part of the dream


was about the chef of the dream-


knitting hundreds of desires


which would remain in one corner of


the cupboard like an unused cupcake mix


waiting to reach the expiry date.


 The patriarchy I saw in my dreams---


Oh! no, in my nightmares,


was a half-baked reality


getting automatically cooked


just like pickles kept in scorching sun.


The mothers in my reality are


like delivery boys working in Zomato or Swiggy-


they always carried sophisticated food


but never tasted their flavours.


And the fathers were like an order delivered late.



You ask about the people?


They are always like a stomach ache


confused with period cramps,


But  it was just indigestion,


Cuz all they ate were some street side


Superstitions overcooked with rumours & gossip.


 ~here lies flavours of us. Bon Appétit!

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