The Enchanted Journey | Teen Ink

The Enchanted Journey

June 2, 2023
By Usman6700 GOLD, Panjgoor, Balochistan., Other
Usman6700 GOLD, Panjgoor, Balochistan., Other
18 articles 0 photos 1 comment

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"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”- Albert Einstein

In the halls of knowledge, where memories reside,

A chapter's end draws near, with bittersweet pride.

Together we've journeyed, side by side we've grown,

Now the time has come, for our paths to be sown.


Oh, dear seniors, our time has come to part,

With heavy hearts, but spirits ever strong of heart.

We've shared laughter and tears, through joy and despair,

Leaving footprints of friendship, beyond compare.


Each day was a canvas, a masterpiece we wove,

With colors of passion, kindness, and love.

We stood as a family, united and bold,

Now we spread our wings, stories yet untold.


Farewell, oh dear seniors, as you venture afar,

May the world embrace you, like a guiding star.

May you find success, in all that you pursue,

And may your dreams come alive, in all that you do.


Remember the lessons, the wisdom we've gained,

The challenges conquered, the knowledge obtained.

For within us lies the strength, the power to strive,

To make a difference, and keep the spirit alive.


Though we bid adieu, our bond shall endure,

For in our hearts, the memories shall ensure,

That we were a family, a class like no other,

Forever connected, by the ties we discovered.


So let us raise a toast, to the farewell we share,

To the moments we cherished, beyond compare.

As we step into the unknown, with hope in our sight,

Our senior class, forever shining bright.

The author's comments:

It is poem about the farewell of our senior class .

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