Sinking | Teen Ink


May 18, 2023
By Lanananana BRONZE, Pella, Iowa
Lanananana BRONZE, Pella, Iowa
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments


crashing under waves of my own creation.


Drowning in words left unsaid.

Trying to breathe, trying to break the surface.

But it's so, so cold outside.

The surface is frozen, I'm stuck inside these thoughts.

my vision starts to fade, my lungs begin to burn.

My head seems to swell, teeming with these words I wish I said.

My vision goes dark, the thoughts clear.

My head is empty,

as I finally


                           drift off


                                                         to sleep.

The author's comments:

I've felt this before, the flooding of thoughts while laying in the darkness of my room, uncomfortable by the silence, trying to fall asleep. I was never able to describe it before, but I finally found the words.

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