Bonds | Teen Ink


May 3, 2023
By Mitchell2022 PLATINUM, Lambertville, Michigan
Mitchell2022 PLATINUM, Lambertville, Michigan
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I have formed bonds, ones I thought would last

But as the fates of time show, troubles will arise

I've been witnessing this transformation of someone who I thought to be Respectable

Someone I value dearly

He fights a battle within himself and with another 

Its changed him he's cut off to many from our group 

I fear that one day I will become apart of the exiled

For no other reason then me Being Myself 

As well I remain friends to the Exiles

They look up to me and appreciate my company and staying with Them  

Yet he and his others don't like that 

It doesn't matter what they think I will make my own decisions 

I will continue to be with the exiles 

The main group has helped me a lot in my journery 

Once you may have even heard me singing their praises

But to much has happened 

I will never be able to see some of them the same

And for the Exiles I know your reading 

Your all good friends I would never give you up because of the will of another

I'm proud of all of you

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