My Plants | Teen Ink

My Plants

April 24, 2023
By briannacimoch BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
briannacimoch BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My plants rely on me to 

grab my half dranken water bottle 

that's rolled halfway under my desk and

pour sweet life into their 

arid potted confinement,

when I remember too


and yet they flourish. 


Sporadic love can be 

enough but

I hope when you tear your way 

through this world

I've showered you with more than you 

can handle

pouring out your ears, up your nose

It will be impossible to

over water you


How can you flood your own seed?


(A promise to my future daughter) 

The author's comments:

I don't always remember to water my plants and when I do, I use any form of water that's near me even if that is a half empty water bottle. This poem is just a promise to take care of my future progeny better.

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