Poem: {Your Smile} | Teen Ink

Poem: {Your Smile}

April 14, 2023
By Anonymous

The same smile that adorned your features,
I came to resent.

The same smile that I'd be thinking of
long after I'd last caught a glimpse of it,
I now loath with every fiber of my being.

Now, I can't help myself but feel uncomfortable in your embrace

Every time our eyes meet,
I can't help but be reminded of
Everything I'm not and
Everything I was told to change.

I'd stay up late,
Hating myself for not being enough to keep you

Yet here you are now, still looking at me,
As if nothing had happened,
Still flashing smiles,
As if I hadn't shed any tears because of you.

Every time you flash yet another smile my way,
I can't help but scoff,
wishing to be nowhere near you.

The author's comments:

Sometimes you just have to let go if it hurts.


*This poem has also been posted on my personal Wattpad account.

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