points | Teen Ink


March 3, 2023
By whitmaniac SILVER, Roseville, California
whitmaniac SILVER, Roseville, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They say no one hands you a bag of points,

When you graduate from school,

So why is it that a lack of them just feels so very cruel?

A's drop to B's, then C's and D's,

Until F's are all to be found.

Your future seems to fade away as the percentages drop to the ground.

Teachers say, you're all so greedy! Why isn't your motivation to learn?

Meanwhile your parents want to know why your scores just crash and burn.

Speaking of burnout, the feeling's really real:

Insta and Snap contribute to that feeling a great deal.

Your peers seem to succeed with ease, they make you look dumb.

Remember third grade when Kahoots used to be fun?

College admission percentages drop, and the AP's needed to be top of the class rise,

It kind of starts to all look the same within your tired eyes. 

Sell your soul to the devil, for a 4.0,

And along the way sacrifice all fun you've ever known. 

No bag of points to be found here,

Just tears and blood and sweat,

Working for a future,

That we may never get.

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