The Girl I Am | Teen Ink

The Girl I Am

January 25, 2023
By Ava_Green BRONZE, Norton, Virginia
Ava_Green BRONZE, Norton, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Seven years spent between twelve families

Twelve new homes

Twelve sets of parents

Eight siblings, six pets.


When people write about

Their origins, their stories,

They write about their homes

They write about their families.


I can't write about that

Because no house I've ever lived in

Has been my home.

No guardian or sibling

Has ever been my family.


Though I've never had a home,

And though I've never had a family,

The houses and the people who lived inside

Raised the young girl I am today.


Mingled in with the new rooms and new faces

Is the blood of which I was conceived.

My mother's hair and father's eyes

Raising me as well, though my parents

Were never present


Seven years spent between twelve families

Twelve new homes

Twelve sets of parents

Eight siblings, six pets,

All creating the girl I am.

The author's comments:

I spent most of my life in a foster care system in Appalachia. This is dedicated to the many families I lived with and learned to love in my many years with them.

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