Winter | Teen Ink


January 24, 2023
By Usman6700 GOLD, Panjgoor, Balochistan., Other
Usman6700 GOLD, Panjgoor, Balochistan., Other
18 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”- Albert Einstein

Winter's icy grip has descended,

A blanket of snow, the earth is befriended.


The trees stand bare, their branches stark,

A chilling wind, a biting lark.


The world is hushed, a peaceful calm,

A tranquil serenity, a winter's balm.


The moon and stars, a glittering sight,

A winter's night, a celestial light.


The fire crackles, a warm embrace,

A cozy refuge, a winter's grace.


The snowflakes dance, a swirling white,

A winter wonderland, a stunning sight.


The world is cold, yet beauty blooms,

A winter's gift, a natural perfume.


So let us embrace this winter's chill,

For in its heart, there's magic still.


Let us marvel at its icy art,

And find in winter, a peaceful heart.

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