The kid who knew | Teen Ink

The kid who knew

January 15, 2023
By Tiger-14 GOLD, Hamburg, Iowa
Tiger-14 GOLD, Hamburg, Iowa
13 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
“Life can only be understood backwards but it must be lived forward”.

The poem of the past I’ve always wanted to grow up wanted to do the things that Big kids do but I realized I never really knew what the big kids do my parents Fought as I forgot but big kids don’t forget promises are broken like a shattered Plates against the walls as I sleep in my room on the nights my dad stumbles through the halls thinking he was quiet as a mouse my mind spins with thoughts and wishes but these thoughts and wishes I didn’t understand I didn’t know what they meant I wanted to be a big kid do big kid things but I didn’t know big kids include constant pain. 

The author's comments:

This piece is based on true events in my life through ages 5-9 

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