2021 | Teen Ink


November 14, 2022
By Anonymous

It was a day

Not a good day

A day

A day of blooming 

A day of loneliness 

terrified, electrified, anxious

A day of  everything

I woke up 

Thinking its a typical day

But  it wasn’t

My early October morning

Stated normal

Ended with everything

The news that changed 

my whole life 

My whole year 

My everything changed

Later I found out

The news

That I wish

I could change

but will never forget

That I can’t get out of my head

Every day it haunts me

 it was ok

I needed this

It changed my life

It reformed me

But I was joyful

I was intimidated

Terrified then confused

I was  feeling everything

That early October evening

Changed me 

It terrified me  

But I wouldn’t change it

I would never take it back

Because it was a day

A day of happy

A day of sad

A day

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