bad dog | Teen Ink

bad dog MAG

October 25, 2022
By LAVENDERBLOOD SILVER, Doylestown, Pennsylvania
LAVENDERBLOOD SILVER, Doylestown, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

nervous paws
how ugly do you have to be to be the pavement right now?
gray and poured on and
walked over,
like the way that bricks take bricks on their shoulders
pitter patter pattering
mangy thing
how disgusting is the sky
we breathe?
we take it in our desperate drooling mouths like we have more life to live,
and are not the fur on the dog frozen by the rain
my snout pointed
at unforgiving dirt,
keep that up and you’re gone
for good
why did i try to say anything at all?
as if they would even listen,
as if i would even leave
my rowdy barking howls
and beer still smells sweet
why does the sky open up
to mourn me?
to tell me that i have been so tragically awful,
so that the alleyway doesn’t even want me to walk through it
my flea-ridden ears perked,
clipped at the tip
and the man on the bus says
that i’m lost
the swishing rain doesn’t stop
what a bad dog.

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