The Adornment of Autumn | Teen Ink

The Adornment of Autumn

October 25, 2022
By oliviadicristo GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
oliviadicristo GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As the trees turn from a uniform green to all varieties of gold, yellow, and red,

autumn has arrived.

Leaves disclose soft goodbyes

as they fall to create nature’s carpet.

Spiders spin their tapestries for all to see

unknowingly it is halloween night.

Crisp autumn eves with harvest moons

gusts of cold air create tornados of cordate, lobed, and rhomboid shapes.

How can it be that all of this is a sign of decay?

As the moonbeams rise

the streets bustle with laughter and delight.

Candy enters mouths full with a faint sound of twinkling chimes,

while the wrappers are shoved into endless bags.

Flames wave hello inside jack-o’-lanterns

as children come and go.

With the crackling of the gold, yellow, and red leaves beneath each step,

it is autumn.

The author's comments:

I worked on this piece for the RCLA competition.

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