Winter Wonder on the Beach | Teen Ink

Winter Wonder on the Beach

October 25, 2022
By bmkopatich GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
bmkopatich GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A winter break trip… 

To get out the cold,

and forget about the snow back at home just for a moment.

The strong aroma of the dead fish streamed into our noses,

miles down the beach.

Salty ocean air brushes through our hair,

miles down the beach. 

Warm sun sheets our skin as we walked,

miles down the beach.

Soft sand between our toes with each step,

miles down the beach.

Kids run to fill their plastic buckets with water and sand.

Parents yell as sand gets kicked in their face

Kids quickly sculpt the perfect sand castle.

We continue down the beach to the open patch of sand,

to set up our perfect day.

Tanning under the sun,

with no sand being kicked on us. 

Listening to the sound of the ocean,

as the sun sheets our skin.

As we lay, we think about home,

and the snow sheeted grass that we will see when we arrive. 

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece with my mom about our trip to Florida. 

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