Life of the Wanderer | Teen Ink

Life of the Wanderer

October 25, 2022
By 3dempseys SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
3dempseys SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Stop and smell the flowers.

A sleepy girl rests her head on the fluff of a golden retriever, sprawled on the roof of an army green volkswagen bus. They’re parked on the rocky bluffs of California’s northern coast. Waves roll up the sand far below them, then back into the abyss of the ocean at the crack of dawn. 

The moon, still awake, casts a glistening glow on the two wrapped snug in a giant blanket. The sun is only just beginning to warm the air. Only the slightest breeze keeps fresh air surrounding them with life. The soft, kind brushing of leaves sings a lullaby to the girl, rubbing her eyes with the curiosity of a new morning. 

As she dreams of today's adventures, nothing else matters. Maybe another hike through the Redwoods, or a paddle in Van Damme. Both perfect spots to search for stones to add to her collection. 

Now, she’s back in the moment, feeling the crisp air cool her nostrils. The squeals of birds echo across the dimly lit sky. The only artificial light is the little green power button of a portable music player, singing Kodaline songs on repeat. It’s the presence of nature that made her feel so alive.

The author's comments:

By student Sophie and her teacher, Elizabeth. This piece encompasses the wonder of nature. 

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