Riding Alone | Teen Ink

Riding Alone

October 17, 2022
By riley13 PLATINUM, Boca Raton, Florida
riley13 PLATINUM, Boca Raton, Florida
39 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The radio is humming softly

Along the lonely winding road

I can see my headlights shining, 

stretched out for miles.


I used to hate 

driving with the windows down

The wind whipping my face

The bone-crushing scream of the wind 


I was breaking down like thunderstorms

Coming and going in flashes

Holding myself tight so the mosaic wouldn’t crumble against the sound

Patching myself up in the middle of the downpour


But it makes me feel lighter now

Letting the chill of the night fill my car and my lungs

The wind that calms the knots in my stomach 

And twists knots in my hair

Drying the tears stained on my face

Helping me breathe better

Against the stale air that turned me cold and blue

Leaving me open like a cave


I throw my feelings out on the side of the road, 

Smoking out of the window

Watching as it curls into different characters in the black sky


I seem like a mess,

But at least I’m holding it together

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