Eons | Teen Ink


October 9, 2022
By natalie_v BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
natalie_v BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“The role of the poet, beginning with my own childhood experience, is to deserve the trust of people who know that what you do is work with words.”- June Jordan

little bird above us,

preaching high to skies

and outside noise.

sweet leaf upon a puddle,

how you drift above the horizon. tipped

on the balance of a drain in the sidewalk,

or a storm yet this world shall cradle

you in its airy arms.

 stick in the dirt, lost in dim forest.

you are used as a wishing rod, a crown

tangled with laughter in someone’s hair.

even the ground shall praise you with

its bugs. as they tear you apart in ribbons,

calling, beautiful. your body

is taken up for light, and passes beloved

stars and Milky Ways. even in the absence of this

earth, life shall find a way to love you.

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