Essay Contest: Donation | Teen Ink

Essay Contest: Donation

October 3, 2022
By lang323t SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
lang323t SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Donating blood can be very scary to some people but extremely beneficial. People that are diagnosed with cancer are needing blood daily. You won't know when or who will get the blood, but you keep in mind that it will be used for good purposes. I was 14 at the times just getting out of school when I was driving to church I was hoping I can help save someone's life from this simple act. My mom really wanted me to do it and I really didn't want to because of how scared I was, but I built up the courage went. Walking in feels like a hospital and looks like one that you would see in a movie because of the way it is set up.  When you're in the chair you think about everyone and how they are trained professionals so really there's nothing to worry about. But the needle still scares you. 

They lay you back for around 10 minutes while you are feeling like a hero that just sits in a chair, but also you feel like you are drenched in sweat because of the long needle. But when you’re done you feel amazing for what you just did and overcame a great fear you had of needles. Everyone looks at you and greets you while smiling as they have never done before. This was truly the best feeling when you're helping someone. Getting home, my parents looked incredibly happy about doing this.

The author's comments:

This is a submission for the teens making a difference essay contest

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