A Hot Day in July | Teen Ink

A Hot Day in July

July 5, 2022
By Goflyhigh PLATINUM, Shenzhen, Other
Goflyhigh PLATINUM, Shenzhen, Other
31 articles 6 photos 0 comments

The sultriness and restlessness outside the window can't sweep away the depression in my heart

In July, there was endless heavy rain and oncoming heat

The moment my arm reaches out of the window

Memory brings me back to winter


It was a winter night

The north wind swept every inch of the air

Holding a cup of scented tea in my hand

Step out of the room and into the balcony

The roaring wind stroked my face

The cold wind swept the chaos in my mind

It was a night where north wind could calm the anxious mind


Suddenly standing in July today

Heavy rain wetted the brick floor

The warm air makes people sleepy

It's like a noisy cicada interrupting a half written article


Summer is watermelon, air conditioning and insect chirp

It is also damp, hot and dry, and the basket of not-yet-healed worries and upset in my heart


Does the stack of books in front of the window soothe your upset heart?

Did the bucket of ice in the fridge cool your hot mind?

Are there any words on the scratchpad that express your anxiety?


This July will eventually become that summer

The summer that accumulated our trivial happiness and worries

The sultry gloom told the summer wind a secret

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