Rotting Away | Teen Ink

Rotting Away MAG

July 5, 2022
By Cwinters18 BRONZE, Florence, Kentucky
Cwinters18 BRONZE, Florence, Kentucky
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They all rot around me, decomposing away,
Their flesh molds shades of rotten green and gray,
It starts small, on an elbow or an arm,
But then it spreads and soon all can see the harm,
An alarm sounds, a child cries,
The terror of it all is too much to summarize.

They all rot around me, decomposing away,
Their skin yellows and molds, and yet mine never seems to sway,
I watch as all I know slowly gets eaten through,
But I remain unaffected, though the precautions I take are few,
My school has closed and my friends are gone,
And yet my immunities still wears on,
Some days I wish it was not so,
For the true horror is watching all my loved ones go.

They all rot around me, decomposing away,
A bone exposed as their skin begins to decay,
The fortunate ones go quick, though in pain,
But lady luck will not favor those who remain,
They will wither and wilt, rotting but alive,
The last to diminish is the whites of their eye,
Their stomachs hollow, devoured from the inside out,
Their throats ripped, torn from the agony of not being able to shout,
And as their hearts turns black, the life inside begins to wane,
But the acidic kiss of death will not be granted in vain.

They all rot around me, decomposing away,
Apathy is all I feel knowing I will never reach my lucky day,
Forced to remain when all I want is to rot,
I wonder if my desire is cruel when so many do not,
But they haven’t watched as their loved ones mold,
Remaining behind while they experience a freight untold.

They all rot around me, decomposing away,
But as I stare at my arm, my hand, and my leg,
I grin leisurely for today is my lucky day,
Because I have finally, finally begun to rot away.

The author's comments:

Claire wrote this piece for a scary story contest. It deals with themes of the horror of not being the one to go through pain, but to watch all of your loved ones do so instead. This spooky poem is meant to illicit themes of sympathy for those going through hard times in a frightening and scary way. 

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