Pool in Summertime | Teen Ink

Pool in Summertime

June 2, 2022
By avaswen04 PLATINUM, Arlington Heights, Illinois
avaswen04 PLATINUM, Arlington Heights, Illinois
24 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“When they asked me what I wanted to be I said I didn't know.”
― Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar

The glacial water that flows 

out of the hose is numbing 

on my fair skin. Shocking,

yet healing my overheated body.

Light dances on the water 

like a prodigal ballerina 

on her debut night. 

Fast, precise, and delicate. 

The wind is loving and sure 

as it pushes the blades of grass 

that float along the water’s surface 

around like they are sailboats

that never seem to reach their destination.

Forever looking for the shore. 

Leaves from the trees above 

paint intricate designs 

onto the surface like Picasso. 

Shapes that are both 

smooth and pointed

create faces that stare back at me

The pool emits confidence 

that vanquishes the sun’s rays 

as they try to heat it 

to no avail. Like a 

knight guarding his princess 

from a violent beast.

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