love in 3 ways | Teen Ink

love in 3 ways

May 31, 2022
By Anonymous

Love in 3 3 3 ways.

Maddy sollazo 4a

Affection and care.

Daring to care.

A child, too young to bare.

The sweet soft skin is like a fresh bar of soap.

The first sight of the bright blue sky.

A small head with a bundle of thoughts.

That first step into the beaming fresh air, only needing and feeding on that affection and care.

The drool comes down from the thoughts of missing their mother.

Knowing only one to count on, and not knowing much on earth at all.

A smile to a laugh, seeking attention.

A child once born, to seek affection.

Not knowing what life is, to not being developed, to only latch on to the one soul they only know of.

The man in the door with a bundle of flowers.

Wanting love, but no seek of attention.

Beating hearts baboom baboom.

Trotting to sneak out, while being rebellious.

 while staring deep into eyes and no glaring.

The soppy feeling of caring too much, but knowing the meaning of someone's true self.

Figuring out who that true one person is.

An individual who wants another person To understand and agree with one another.

Hugs and kisses one by one, person to person that I would call one.

Petals of flowers fall one by one.

Does he love me, or does he not?

Thoughts and thoughts never come to a stop.

But starting to seek and find the true meaning of love.

To figure out if he's the one or not.

The deep eyes staring beyond.

True love is love, and we will know one day.

The coo coo clocks and the quiet air.

2 people who love beyond compare.

Holding hands, while drinking coffee.

Watching young children ride their bikes while spending time enjoying life.

Happy as ever, in a peaceful small house.

Small chirps of birds speak to us.

We lived our lives, and saw lots too, we now know what real love is. 

Rocking like a boat back and forth, always coming back to the one you love the most.

Explanation of poem;

This poem shows the development of love from a baby to a teen, and then to the elderly. 

I also used different fonts showing development. For example, the baby part of the poem is small because it isn't fully developed with understanding love, and then the other fonts of the poem begin to get bigger because they in the end finally know what true love is, and shows how they are now matured. It kind of shows the purpose of life and growing up and seeing or finding that true love, and the symbol of that is the fonts getting bigger through development.

The author's comments:

it shows how love develops and how when you get older you develop and develop anymore and it shows the symbolism.

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