Everlasting Happiness | Teen Ink

Everlasting Happiness

May 27, 2022
By DinnyMando SILVER, Bloomingdale, Michigan
DinnyMando SILVER, Bloomingdale, Michigan
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you like pizza as much as I do, we're gonna get along real well

Sometimes she lays in bed and thinks to herself, hoping that her hurt and suffering will end and the everlasting happiness will begin. 

Some days she sees her everlasting happiness walking into school or in the cafeteria.

But, most of the time, she wonders and ponders, looking at the stars and dreaming of her everlasting happiness.

She wants to grab it and hold it into her arms, never letting go for fear that her happiness will fade into the dew of a summer morning. 

She wants to grab it, she's tried so many times, but it’s whisked away by something or someone, fading into the darkness.

She sees everyone else with everlasting happiness, but why can’t she be with hers. She should have hers as well. 

Then, she realizes that those people’s everlasting happiness is different from hers one night.

Her everlasting happiness will always be different because hers is not like that of Adam and Eve,

It’s like Adam and Steve. Something frowned upon in so many ways.

Never being ok in the eyes of the lord, their lord, for she is not a religious person, though her everlasting happiness is. 

Her everlasting happiness preaches about Adam and Eve saying that this is how it should be. There should be no Adam and Steve.

That no man or woman should lay down with the same sex, for in the eyes of their lord, because being gay is forbidden in "his" eyes.

Should that be how it is, to only be together with the opposite sex, ignore your urges, and be unhappy with how you are?

Live a life you don’t want and deal with it and suck it up.

She wants to reach out and tell her everlasting happiness what is happening, but she can’t. She's held from them. 

Looking from the sidelines, never stepping over that line to know the answer. 

For she is a woman in a man’s world, and a man could be able to make her happy, 

A man should always make her happy in her parents’ eyes, and their approval is what she’s known her whole life. 

She wants to make her family happy, and courting a man will do that, but will she be ok that they’re happy, right? 

So she lives a life they want, though she wonders if her everlasting happiness is happy with their life, for she is not happy with her life. 

She wishes she could go back and tell her everlasting happiness that she wanted them but would it be worth it? 

Would it be worth it to be happy, To have a happy life, Living with her everlasting happiness?

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This article has 1 comment.

lottie_d said...
on May. 14 2023 at 6:18 am
lottie_d, Hereford, Other
0 articles 0 photos 176 comments
This is so good and I love the point it serves!