the ship | Teen Ink

the ship

May 24, 2022
By madi07 PLATINUM, Newark, Delaware
madi07 PLATINUM, Newark, Delaware
20 articles 11 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"In the end, we'll all become stories." - Margaret Atwood

led astray by a toiled string

an empty map

yet a filled legend

the plight of where to go

but nowhere to stay

the sole answer is remain

remain in the moment

of unwavering focus 

and of heightened perseverance

only to stay afloat

with armored water

and spears of wind

waiting for gravity to prey

make the first move

and it’s over.

a false shift of balance

and gravity makes its play

queen to c4


the moment is over. 

fallen further from the sky

all seems lost

sunken treasure never to be found

the bottomless ocean

the sole pinpoint on an empty map

but the ocean says “look, dear”

as the sun’s light ripples through

igniting the collaged regions of the map

awaiting to be found 

like hidden troves

the moment is over,

but a new one begins.

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