A Journey | Teen Ink

A Journey

May 18, 2022
By madi07 PLATINUM, Newark, Delaware
madi07 PLATINUM, Newark, Delaware
20 articles 11 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"In the end, we'll all become stories." - Margaret Atwood

A boat made of ruby

Floating atop silver streams

Above fish of pearled topaz

With trees of fluorescent crystal

The journey begins

As the willowed entrance

Begins its dance of closure

Severing itself from curiosity

A light no longer seen

The sun remains home

Bed-bound to familiar lands

An adventure with no guide

A waterfall forever falling

Frail droplets of opal

Crash like breaking waves

Rest assured in a garden of cherry blossoms

The spirit of the stream dims

As it nears a pool of fog

Perhaps the afterlife spilling over

But we’ve yet to go too far

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