Orpheus and Eurydice | Teen Ink

Orpheus and Eurydice

April 19, 2022
By bugjuicepoetry ELITE, Fort Wayne, Indiana
bugjuicepoetry ELITE, Fort Wayne, Indiana
223 articles 28 photos 11 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I was born very far from where I'm supposed to be. So, I guess I'm on my way home."

You told me no artist tolerates reality
That it's normal to want more than normality
Does that extend to my longing for mortality
My tendency towards all the lethality?

I thought that I was Icarus, falling to my death
I thought I was Achilles, taking my dying breath
But maybe I am Orpheus, who plunged to the depths
Only to look back and have to pay every debt

Does Eurydice remember how I made her smile?
Does she remember fondly, even after all this while?
Does she know how much I risked just to see her smile?
Does she know of all my miles, all my trials?

If she were in my place, would she too, look back the same?
And would she still love me after all that I've became?
Would she have made the journey, would she even have came?
Or would she have left me in Tartarus, in the flames?

I thought that I was Icarus, falling to my death
I thought I was Achilles, taking my dying breath
But maybe I am Orpheus, who plunged to the depths
Only to look back and have to pay every debt

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