The Darkened Persona of Heartbreak | Teen Ink

The Darkened Persona of Heartbreak

March 22, 2022
By kyliesmith2905 BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
kyliesmith2905 BRONZE, Lambertville, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Don’t you dare

Pretend you care

after you left me in the dark.

Saying I don’t deserve to be hurt

By guys who aren’t too different from you.

Why do you care all of a sudden

When you know you left me broken.

Is it all a game?

Maybe it’s to win my forgiveness

to make me think you’ve changed

to make me want to take the blame.

Making yourself look like the good guy

Even when it’s all a lie.

Saying you’re sorry

even though i’ll never believe you.

I’ll never believe any of your three apologies

the ones I went out of my way to seek.

They’re nothing more than words 

Doing so much to look so good and sincere

while not holding power to any of it.

Kind of like you.

The author's comments:

Hi! My name is Kylie. I am a high school student and I use poetry as an outlet for my feelings. I hope that this poem can help someone heal, or at least know that they are not alone. 

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