Bloodshed | Teen Ink


March 21, 2022
By GF_Zeleny BRONZE, Meteora, Other
GF_Zeleny BRONZE, Meteora, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Try once least you could get is failure in it

Not today
Not tomorrow
Neither in this week
Nor in another
Why I caught this curse?!
Blood leaking out of me
That blood which once followed my veins and arteries
Now unfollow my rules
Why I caught this destiny?!
This destiny of being Judy
Why I couldn't have been tommy?!
It would be easier
Easier than riving in pain of those 5-7 days straight.
Easier trying to refocus on some halfway left pages
Than on the leak strain on my ellegent dresses
Everyday spreading my smile
wide as sunshine
Would have been easier than holding my tears to myself.
No one talks about it
Or didn't want to talk about it
It is common
Oh really?!
Then why don't we talk freely?!
Then why did your tongue freeze?!
I don't understand your things
Your rules!!!
War sheds bloods
And ends
But only to begin another war on next 28th
Same day
same time
same way
Same pain
Everything same....
Just I grew stronger
With time elapse...

The author's comments:

Hey GM again... 

This time again my poetry set has stuck up to the #girlpower

But this time is is the most common yet uncommon thing happened in a girls life is periods or mensuration.

They have to go through a lot every day with a smile...

We have to make this thing common in words cause it is common 

Let's freely talk about periods 

That will make us develop...



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