When I First Went To School | Teen Ink

When I First Went To School

March 19, 2022
By Ananyaguha PLATINUM, Bhopal, Other
Ananyaguha PLATINUM, Bhopal, Other
24 articles 45 photos 32 comments

Favorite Quote:
“If they strain me up tight, why, let 'em look out! I can't bear it, and I won't.” ---- Black Beauty

It was a new day
New beginnings, new joys
New opportunities, new life

But I could only see
The huge, massive building
In front of me

It was my first day
At my new school
That building, my second home

People were laughing
Trees were swaying happily
Birds, singing like angels

The wind seemed to be strolling 
In the park of clouds
Flowers dancing merrily with it

But all I could do
Was stare at the challenge
Which was standing before me

I could see kids 
Peeking out of the windows
Running in the grounds

Some were smiling
Some looked a little perturbed
Some, looked challenging

Would they be my best friends?
Or my worst enemies?
Or, were they too just challenges?

I could hear my mother
Saying something
Pushing me forward

But I couldn't leave her shelter
So I hugged her like a koala
Doing everything to not let go

But then came a friendly hand
Welcoming me warmly
Asking me to hold it

The sunshine smile of her face
Was all it took, to blow away
My melancholy smile

She was my first teacher
Promising me the comfort
Of my new home

I let go of my mother
And stepped into the new world
With my teacher

And now on these lonely days
When my fancies take me back
To those adventurous days

I remember that anxiety
Of starting a new journey
With a new friend

Who helped me beat all odds
Fight every battle
And climb the stairs of glory

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