the king of the jungle | Teen Ink

the king of the jungle

March 14, 2022
By madi07 PLATINUM, Newark, Delaware
madi07 PLATINUM, Newark, Delaware
20 articles 11 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"In the end, we'll all become stories." - Margaret Atwood

the night sky took over

staining the savanna a somber ebony

as the stars peeked out from behind their sheath

and took their seats as audience members

my dormancy faded away

my consciousness engulfed me

as the world welcomed me back

and summoned me to my role

the brisk air waved me hello

as wind danced around 

becoming entangled in my mane

as if it were a dreamcatcher 

i turned to my cubs

and nudged their heads

wishing that their dreams 

would be ever so gentle to them

i abandoned my home

in the place of my duties

to prowl the maze 

of endless grass

from what peered above

white stripes on orange

stealthily sneaking by

concealing itself in the nightly shade

our eyes caught hold of each other’s gaze

our vision aligned like a syzygy

and the tension between us

was flaming like the sun

our paws pounced towards one another

but surely i was stronger

i was faster

i was better

our bodies collided

both going in for the kill

but one was stronger

and it wasn’t me

my throat was captured

my body was pinned

my voice was silent

but it was my pride that swallowed me whole

the king of the jungle

without a crown atop his head

i laid there alone

and whispered the stars one last goodnight

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