Dumb Bird! | Teen Ink

Dumb Bird!

March 9, 2022
By Jedidiah SILVER, Rolla, Missouri
Jedidiah SILVER, Rolla, Missouri
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dumb bird

you're so loud. 

How would you like it if I woke you up

in the middle of the night, 

screeching at the top of my lungs?


I see you in your cage 

looking out of a window 

at the other birds, hoping 

one day you could go flying with them.

But you can't. You´re not made for that weather. 

You wouldn't last a week. I mean, 

you're from a tropical climate. You couldn't handle the cold.

Our electric bill is rising from you.

And when you're not in your cage, you're flying around, 

landing on people's backs chirping going squeaking at anything near you,

scared for anyone to touch you,

Not to mention the fact that because you´re not potty trained 

you leave messes everywhere. 

If we could work this out like adults, we could get along.

But we can't because you refuse to listen, 

You refuse to be quiet, You refuse to sleep.

Maybe once you do those things then we can talk.

The author's comments:

This is for my sisters annoying bird 

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