my | Teen Ink


January 19, 2022
By zaraaja BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
zaraaja BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My “Name” 

Zara is a shapeshifter. She has no definition. Zara is tequila in a teacup. The name is a pitch black reflective glass. She can reflect all the dreams and desires like her black glass eyes. Her name is like the weather. Tranquil and vastly different. peaceful but raging violent. Zara equally wears a cape of the darkness of the moon and the light of the sun.

The name dances in a silk dress near a waterfall at night. Fire spark of the thousand dancing lightning bugs. The name is the hair movement during a dance. She danced The soul of the wandered princess stuck in ghost form. 

Zara feels it's a sin to be loved. Her depression consumes her. She drowns. She sings in a room lit with blazing fire. When she talks about the darkness inside people see her like she’s the sun. but she has seen the moon darken her sun like an eclipse. She has been taught the monsters under her bed were the real one’s but she had met bigger monsters in her life. Who gets to say what is considered a monster. The electrical pain through her veins feels addicting like kisses. Kids were fed like the comfort of spoons, she was fed with knives.

Zara is the unforgettable stranger's tears on the subway. Zara is the beauty of that stranger's story. Zara can be heard in a quiet room, seen in the lit room of an empty building. Zara’s tears can write millions of words that will never be shared.

I build, grow so my name can be known. My name is the character growth of the story. 

Zara is a name that wants to change mentalites. Zara was raised to defend her morals. I carry my morals like a loaded gun. I want my name to be known, not famous. My name will be known like the constellations. 

My name is controversial. My name is not cared for. It’s made fun of. They don’t bother to try to pronounce it correctly. I won’t let my name be tampered with, tainted, contaminated, polluted. 


I am the name behind my powerful Mexican Ancestors. A proud Mexican who has now matured knowing the unachievable chase of the American Dream. My name carries the tears of my ancestors. 

But Zara is a strong beautiful Mexican teen girl that feels suppressed within her own family. Her plain skin, clothes, and hair does not match. Bilingual but her Spanish and English are made fun of. Zara does not feel she fits within the American or Mexican culture. She does not want to be a stereotypical Americanized Mexican girl. 

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