The Vast | Teen Ink

The Vast

December 3, 2021
By crimfinch SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
crimfinch SILVER, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My life is like a planet

wandering aimlessly 

through the dense nothingness of space.

Friends don’t come over

When you’re a solitary solar object 

Twirling through the infinite universe

A million miles away from the rolling winds

carrying lavender fields.

My lakes will one day dry up

Like a fish drowning in water

The silent thrum of space reverberates in my ears

Deafeningly loud, the blood rushing to your head

One day, I’ll hear again.

The soft music of New Moon Cafe carrying

The taste of hot chocolate and vanilla

Into my lungs.

No longer can I remember

What the stars look like

Choking the skyline above the clouds

of smog and smoke.

Was it like needles?

Pricked through the fabric of space,

light spilling through?

I’m sure no one remembers anyway.

The lake is nearly empty now

I wonder if the fish are okay.

The author's comments:

This piece was completed as a challenge on free verse poetry, and the main themes of the poem are isolation, and the idea that we cannot even begin to imagine the infinity that is the universe we live in, how everything in our lives is just a feature of a fraction of a percent of everything that exists out there.

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This article has 2 comments.

ebolliger said...
on Dec. 13 2021 at 2:40 pm
ebolliger, Charlotte, North Carolina
0 articles 0 photos 3 comments
I like the themes of loneliness and isolation, as well as the feeling of smallness created by this poem. My favorite line is "No longer can I remember/What the stars look like".

on Dec. 8 2021 at 5:10 pm
notesappfiction GOLD, Bryan, Texas
18 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's funny. When you leave your home and wander really far, you always think, 'I want to go home.' But then you come home, and of course it's not the same. You can't live with it, you can't live away from it. And it seems like from then on there's always this yearning for some place that doesn't exist." - Danzy Senna

Lovely, in a very haunting way. I particularly love the last line.