46-minute intervals | Teen Ink

46-minute intervals

October 18, 2021
By Abi_Franco BRONZE, New Providence, New Jersey
Abi_Franco BRONZE, New Providence, New Jersey
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You don’t choose what happens to you but you can choose how you react to it.

My gym teacher is a Predator

Just a shark circles its prey 

Hands-on his hips 

Legs spread wide

Loops of delusion met with an intrepid pride

He is hungry 

He warns me by licking his lips after each 

Syllable in my name 

Today's menu is me 

A side of pity so generously donated by sympathetic glares of my classmates 

Attendance is severed with an analysis of my clothing

How tightly is it woven?

Are there any gaps between the fibers? 

Just like a tiger 

Waiting to pounce 

There is no escape 

No finding asylum in the bathroom stalls 

He waits

He enjoys the chase 

Like a fly caught in the spider's web 

The echo of each step 

Like the rattle from a poisonous snake 

He tells me

“Reach for your joints” 

Like a hawk in a tree 

It’s easier to see all the vantage points 

“Remember to breath”

“Open up your chest”

His eyes pillage my mid-drift before he tells us to rest 

“Hey you there - reach down to your knees” 

Referring to me as something sweet like “honey please”

It leaves a bitter taste in my mouth 

It’s ironic how there is sugar in raw meat 

“Close your eyes”

So I can violate you with mine 

What’s unsaid is what’s left in his smile 

the yellow in his teeth stains from years of neglect 

Just sharp enough to pierce my neck 

Every ounce of him conceded 

Dripping in drool he likes em bleeding 

Red hot 


Too young 

To innocence 

He likes em vulnerable

An unquenchable appetite 

He’d eat me in one bite if we were alone 

Draining all of my blood leaving nothing but bone 

Instead, he devours me in 46-minute intervals

like a vampire 

Rationing me off as if I would his very own fountain of youth

Unfortunately enough for me, that is not the truth 

He is not a vampire

Vampires are not real 

He is just a Predator and I his meal

The author's comments:

If you are in need of help - ASK!!! 

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