Flower Petal Standards | Teen Ink

Flower Petal Standards

March 17, 2021
By haywirewriting BRONZE, Langley, Columbia
haywirewriting BRONZE, Langley, Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In my own personal hellscape 

I’ve been lured into this flawlessly crafted garden,

disguised as a way to beautify us all 

but is designed to root out weeds instead.

The picture perfect display 

that falls apart the moment someone steps past the frame.

Anything that pretty, pretty image ever gave meaning to has crumbled.

This simplistic appearance of the magnificent flowers

seem utterly alluring and eye catching,

are undoubtedly wilting, petal by petal.

The author's comments:

Something I wrote about trying to live up to or to reach impossible standards.

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This article has 1 comment.

AceAnne BRONZE said...
on Mar. 23 2021 at 12:48 pm
AceAnne BRONZE, Morrison, Colorado
3 articles 3 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Well, my friends praise me and make me look like an idiot, while my enemies tell me straightforwardly that I am an idiot. My enemies help me understand myself better, which is an advantage, and my friends help me lie about myself, which is a disadvantage. So if four negatives make two affirmatives, I’m worse off because of my friends and better off because of my foes." - Shakespeare's Twelfth Night

I love this!